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׸-θ ȭ ٽ 7Ͽ

׸-θ ȭ ٽ 7Ͽ

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 ƹ ܱΰ ȭϰų ְޱⰡ ƴٰ մϴ. λ縻 ϻ ȭ ϰ ϴ. Ƿ ؼ  ܱΰ ȭ å б⺸ å 鼭  Դϴ.  𱹾 ϴ ܱε о å о Դϴ. ׷ ͽǾ ȣ޷ν ϴ ܱ ̺ , ִ ȭ Ⱑ ƽϴ. ѱ ϱⰡ ʽϴ.

̰ ʹٸ ܱε å о մϴ. 桷̳ ͽǾ, ȣ޷ν б ô ƽϴ. б ø ̱, ij ,  𱹾 ϴ ܱε а ڶ å , ѱ б ̻ ٳٸ ִ ܾ Ӱ б øԴϴ.

å д £ , ִ ȭ ϰ Ǵ а ڶ б ø ū Դϴ. б ø å Ϸ翡 30п 1ð ð 1 Ȥ 2̸ ִ зԴϴ.

å Ұ
׸-θ ȭ ٽ7Ͽ
å ׸ θ ȭ ٽ ٽ Դϴ. б ̻ Ƿ ڶ ִ ܾ ذ Ǿ 鼭 뵵 ϰ ֽϴ. Ϸ 30п 1ð ׸-θ ȭ ٽ 7Ͽ ֵ Ǿ ֽϴ.
׸ ȭ ׸ε ϴ ȭ Īؼ θ ׸ε ϴ Ű ݽ, , , ׸ ڽŵ ȭ ̾߱ Դϴ. θε θ ̸  ټ ̸ ̰ 鿡 ׸ε ϴ ȭ ״ Ͼ װ ؼ ڽŵ 踦 ؼ߽ϴ. 츮 ׸ θ ȭ θ ̾߱Դϴ. ׸ θ ȭ ׸ ǰ ߿ õԴϴ. ϰ ̶ ׸-θ ȭ ʿ䰡 ֽϴ.

츮 ߿ ۰ ̾߱⸦ ׸-θ ȭ ˰ ֽϴ. ȣ(ȣ޷ν) ÿ, 渮콺, ׸ 콺 ۰Դϴ. ̷ ۰ ̾߱⸦ 츮 ˰ ִ ׸-θ ȭ Ǵ ̾߱⵵ ϰ ϱⰡ ʽϴ. å ڵ ϰ ְ ׸-θ ȭ ֵ Դϴ.

: ߱(л ̻ – Ϲ)
ܾ : 25,000


Reading for Day 1
1. What is Mythology?
2. Celestial Gods: JUPITER (Greek, ZEUS)
3. Celestial Gods: PHOEBUS (Greek, APOLLO)
4. Celestial Gods: MARS (Greek, ARES)
5. Celestial Gods: MERCURY (Greek, HERMES)
6. Celestial Gods: BACCHUS (Greek, DIONYSUS)

Reading for Day 2
7. Celestial Goddesses: JUNO (Greek, HERA)
8. Celestial Goddesses: MINERVA (Greek, PALLAS ATHENA)
9. Celestial Goddesses: VENUS (Greek, APHRODITE)
10. Celestial Goddesses: LATONA (Greek, LETO)
11. Celestial Goddesses: AURORA (Greek, EOS)
12. Terrestrial Gods: SATURN (Greek, CRONUS)
Reading for Day 3
13. Terrestrial Gods: JANUS
14. Terrestrial Gods: VULCAN (Greek, HEPHAESTUS)
15. Terrestrial Goddesses: VESTA (Greek, HESTIA)
16. Terrestrial Goddesses: CYBELE (Greek, RHEA)
17. Terrestrial Goddesses: CERES (Greek, DEMETER)
18. Terrestrial Goddesses: Justitia, Astraea, invidia (Greek, THEMIS, Dike, nemesis)

Reading for Day 4
19. The Muses
20. Gods of the Woods, and Rural Deities: PAN
21. Gods of the Woods, and Rural Deities: FAUNS (Greek, SATYRS)
22. Gods of the Woods, and Rural Deities: TERMINUS
23. Goddesses of the Woods: DIANA
24. Goddesses of the Woods: NYMPHS

Reading for Day 5
25. Gods of the Sea: NEPTUNE (Greek, POSEIDON)
26. Infernal Deities: PLUTO (Greek, HADES)
27. Infernal Deities: HELL
28. Infernal Deities: FATES, FURIES
29. Judges of the Dead
30. Fabulous Monsters

Reading for Day 6
31. Household Divinities: PENATES, LARES
32. Virtues Worshipped by the Ancients
33. Demigods and Heroes: Hercules (Greek, HERACLES)
34. Demigods and Heroes: Jason
35. Demigods and Heroes: THESEUS
36. Demigods and Heroes: PROMETHEUS

Reading for Day 7
37. Demigods and Heroes: ORPHEUS
38. Demigods and Heroes: ATLAS
39. Demigods and Heroes: PERSEUS
40. Demigods and Heroes: BELLEROPHON
41. Demigods and Heroes: DAEDALUS
42. Demigods and Heroes: MELEAGER


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