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[Ƽ] ó  ܱΰ ȭ ޴

[Ƽ] ó ܱΰ ȭ ޴


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001 ó ܱΰ ȭ ޴ 1


ܱ ģ ٲ å. ܱ ϴ ϳ 󿡼 ¾ ڶ ΰ ܱ ȭϴ ̴. ׷ ̵鿡 ܱ ģ Ȯ ʴ. 츮 κ ܱ ̵̴. å ⿡ ߾, ܱΰ ó ȭϴ , ׸ ׸ ģ ˷ش.ڴ Ƿ¿ δ , ȭ Ѵ.  ̰ ȭ , μ Ƿµ ڶ Ǵ ̴. ȭ ѹ ó  ִ. ǻθ ˴ 浵 ϴ Ȯϰ ٰ ̴.å ܱΰ ó ȭ Ʋ ׷ ִ. ܱΰ , ó ɶ  ǥ ܰ躰 dz ϰ, ׶ Ȱ ִ Ѵ. پ Ǽҵ带 ùķ̼ ϴ. 'ܱ ģ' å  δ ٿ ̴.


Part 1Ƿ øڴٴ ȭ ó  ȴ پ ȭ ȣ ̱  ε ȭ϶ Part 21ܰ ¸ -Episode 01 I think we are waiting for the same bus. -Episode 02 Could you press that, please?-Episode 03 Looks a little bit messy, right?-Episode 04 Are you a staff of the repairs shop?-Episode 05 The baby is so cute-Episode 06 Can I have a question?-Episode 07 Isnt she a Hollywood actress?-Episode 08 Whats going on?-Episode 09 Are you ok?-Episode 10 Do you need some tissue?2ܰ Ȳ ´ ̸ ߰϶ -Episode 01 Could I ask something? -Episode 02 Did you draw these?-Episode 03 The sunglasses look good on you -Episode 04 May I sit by you?-Episode 05 Would you mind opening the window?-Episode 06 The rain doesnt seem to stop-Episode 07 You are from another country -Episode 08 You look so bored-Episode 09 Its beautiful day 3ܰ ȭ ȭ ðܶ -Episode 01 Did you hear the announcement? -Episode 02 You play really good basketball -Episode 03 You know how to listen to music -Episode 04 Have a seat-Episode 05 My seat is particularly small-Episode 06 I can guess your menu for dinner-Episode 07 You come here often, dont you?-Episode 08 Your bag looks so heavy -Episode 09 What are you reading? 4ܰ ɻ縦 ߰϶ -Episode 01 The guy is so cute, isnt he?-Episode 02 Eric Clapton is the best musician ever -Episode 03 The coffee tastes really good -Episode 04 Its so loud un here-Episode 05 You look sleepy -Episode 06 Have we met somewhere?-Episode 07 I enjoyed your song-Episode 08 How is the beer here? -Episode 09 Your bicycle looks cool