1 Greetings λ
2 Getting to know each other ʸ ȭ
3 Dating Ʈ
4 Arguing
5 Flirting ϱ
6 Marriage ȥ
7 Husband and wife κ
8 Music
9 the Movies and TV
ȭ, ڷ
10 Sports
11 Taking Pictures and more , Ÿ
12 Jobs
13 Promotion, Retirement and Layoff , , ذ
14 Management 濵
15 Coming to work
16 Work
17 Meeting ȸ
18 Vacation ް
19 Pay
20 Appointments, Visiting , 湮
21 Telephone ȭ
22 Invitation ʴ
23 Eating out ܽ
24 Korean food ѱ
25 Restaurant Ĵ
26 Payment
27 Drinking
28 smoking
29 At the airport
30 Inside the plane ⳻
31 Entry into a country Ա
32 At the hotel ȣ
33 Room service
34 At the barbershop and beauty parlor ̹,
35 Breakfast ħ Ļ
41 Travel
42 Sightseeing
43 In the clothing section
44 At the department store
45 Discounts
46 At the bank and postoffice , ü
47 Money
48 At the Hospital and drugstore , ౹
49 Physical condition
50 Diet and Exercise
51 School б_ 166
52 Examination
53 Computer ǻ
54 Time and Date ð, ¥
55 Age, Height and Weight
, Ű,
56 Weather
36 Taxis ý
37 Buses and Trains
38 Driving
39 Traffic congestion and Traffic accident ü,
40 Asking for Directions