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[Ƽ] , You`re Hired

[Ƽ] , You`re Hired

| ξغ

Ƽ α ¿ ̿ մϴ.
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001 , You`re Hired 1


۷ι پ Ʈ ߴ ڰ ؿܿ ͺ, Ǵ ͺ̷μ ޾ ǹ ε 񼭴. ܼ ̴  ƴ, Ի Ի ù ̶ , Ȯ Ͽ  ڼ غ ؾ ϸ俬ϰ Ҵ. Ư ܱ質 ۷ι ȣϴ ̳ ַ , ڰ, ű⿡ Ҵ. յ ڰ ̷ տ ڽ ȼҸ ǥϴ ȭ, ٷ ο ִ ȹߴ. ׸ ڰ н, ΰ Կ Ƴ μ ̾߱ Բ Ǿ ṵ̈ ֵ Ͽ.


Ϻ ̱ ؿ ٹ ۷ι 13 Ⱓ Ͻ Ʈ ڴ ȭ뿡 ߹ ϰ ۵ п 濵 縦 ƴ. IBM Korea ä 1 Ի, ټ ƽþ Ʈ , ۷ι 嵥 . ټ ̼ǰ Zڸ ۷ι ߴ. ȹ ̸, ǹڷμ ϸ鼭 ǵ 򰡱, ڵ鿡 å Ҵ.

Part 1. ڽŰ 9 ̾߱1. Interview ͺ, ͺ ȭ̴.ͺ信 ִ. ṵ̈ ν Ͷ. 2. Interviewers , ׵鿡 ̾߱Real Intention ӸTypes ׵ What They Are Looking for ׵ ϴ 3. Yourself  ? м Ʈ Personal SWOT Analysis Career SWOT м ī峪 Unique Selling Point : 籸 4. Uncertainty 𸣴 Ϳ Ҿȼ Job,  ˱? 5. Analysis м Įóȸ翡 縮Ʈٸ 縦 ߰϶. 6. Strategy , Ͱ и ϴ Dos - ؾ ϰ, ϶.Donts - ϰ, . 7. Confidence , ⸦ վ󽺽ο ְ ̹ ϶. 8. Nervousness η ƴ϶ ̴ٰ ϴ 9. Talk Smart Ǵ ϱ⳪ .ٸ ڰ Ϸ 亯 ̴ Framework Part 2. 1. Tell Me about Yourself. ڱҰ غ.2. Why Did You Choose Your Major? Դϱ?3. What Is Your Philosophy Towards Work? ö Դϱ?4. How Would You Describe Yourself in One Sentence? ڽ ǥغ.5. Tell Me about a Book You Read Recently. ֱٿ å غ.6. Tell Me about a Movie You Saw Recently. ֱٿ ȭ غ.7. Have You Ever Traveled Abroad? ؿܿ ֽϱ?8. Who Is the Most Influential Person to You? ſ Դϱ?9. What Is Your Greatest Strength? ū Դϱ?10. What Is Your Greatest Weakness? ū Դϱ?11. Why Did You Apply for Our Company? 츮 ȸ翡 Դϱ?12. What Do You Know about Our Company? 츮 ȸ翡 ؼ ˰ ʴϱ?13. What Are Your Goals? ǥ Դϱ?14. How Do You Handle Conflicts? ̳  ذմϱ?15. How Do You Handle Stress? Ʈ  ذմϱ?16. Tell Me about Your Experiences at College. лȰ غ.17. Do You Have Any Questions for Our Company? 츮 ȸ翡 ֽϱ? Part 3. ڰݿ 18. Are You Willing to Work Overtime? ߱ ֽϱ?19. Tell Me about a Time when ~ ~ߴ ʸ غ.20. Are You Applying for Other Jobs? ٸ ȸ翡 ߽ϱ?21. What Kind of People Would You Have Difficulties Working With? ϱ  Դϱ?22. Why Should We Hire You?